Notes: 1.Open events $110 (SB $140) AB 2. 2nd Div events $40 AB 3. Jnr events $14 AB 4. Senior Local Barrel Race 5.Junior Local Barrel Race 6. Local Senior Steer Ride 7. Local Junior Steer Ride 8. Poddy Ride – all local event entries to committee – EFT Only 7. *** Day Memberships are strictly Wednesday & Thursday closing at 5pm*** 8. APRA Members Only Late Entries Friday and Monday to 12pm
DAY Member
Day Member Entries Open: 9am 11/12/2024
Day Member Entries Close: 5pm 12/12/2024
Day member entries closed 979 hours, 26 minutes, and 29 seconds ago.
22.1 Turnout fine of $50 if in performance or slack and you do not notify Central Entry Office or Rodeo Secretary.
22.2 Turnout fine of $10 if in performance and you do notify the Central Entry Office by 5pm the Thursday prior to the Rodeo.
22.3 Turnout in slack and notify the Central Entry Office before 5pm on the Thursday before the Rodeo. No fine.
22.4 All turnouts required to pay entry fees. all fees and fines to be paid prior to competitor being permitted to enter further rodeos.
22.5 Unfinancial Members or Members on the Suspended Members List cannot compete as a Day Members.
22.6 A competitor must have a medical certificate to cancel out of a Rodeo after the closing date for entries. A competitor who cancels on a medical certificate, cannot compete for ten (10) days from the date of the Rodeo from which he cancelled and must supply a medical release.
22.7 Competitors are only allowed 3 medicals and 3 visual turn outs in each Rodeo year.
22.8 When a competitor visually turns out or Medicals out of a Rodeo he only receives his added money back. Committee levy is retained by the committee and administration levy must be paid to head office.